Pilates Sotogrande www.sotopilates.com by Olga Sotomayor
Pilates Sotograndewww.sotopilates.comby Olga Sotomayor

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Gym Tonic Sotopilates

Edificio LAXMOR  1º fl.

CN340 Km.134 

Sotogrande 11310

San Roque,  Cadiz,  Spain


Parking & elevator /ascensor


Via de Servicio (Royal Golf)

Exit 132 Pueblo Nuevo Guadiaro



Formulario de contacto 

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el blog de Olga Sotomayor desde la 340 

The Diary December 2007

What will Pilates do for you?

Pilates classes will improve your posture and provide you with tips on how to apply the technique to your day-to-day life when standing, sitting, walking and driving. Your flexibility will improve and also the mobility of the joints and spine. It will increase muscle strength and bone density, which helps to prevent osteoporosis. The added bonus is toning  the body and a flatter tummie! The one thing it will not do is help you to lose weight. Your body will look slimmer but  you need to undertake some form of cardiovascular exercise, such as  walking,  swimming, aqua aerobics, cycling, running etc.

If injuries or joint problems are severe, it may be better to attend a “one to one” session, the exercises will be specifically adapted and chosen to help you. Physiotherapists  have recognised the importance of Pilates techniques in alleviating some back problems, joint problems and for post surgery rehabilitation. As an instructor, I have often worked alongside  physiotherapists to compliment their work and have seen some excellent results for the patient.

Mat work versus Machines?

There are two ways to practice Pilates:  floor exercises and Pilates machines,  such as The Reformer and  The Cadillac. I am often asked which is best, or more often, I hear people say, “Machines are best as you can work harder”. This is not true, both methods can be challenging, Joseph Pilates used both! Your choice will often depend on your skills and  what you want to pay.

What does Pilates cost in Spain?

For a mat group class, most instructors will charge between 12 and 20 euros.  A machine class is usually more expensive than a mat class and will be offered either in a group class for 2 people or in a "one to one" class.  If you need physiotherapy or chiropractic  treatment, you would be recommended to take a “one to one” Pilates session, which averages 50 euros per hour, sometimes a discount is offered for an advance booking of 6 or 10 sessions.

Olga Sotomayor

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